York U: Art History Speaker Series – Preserving Digital Artworks, November 2022

On November 17 2022, I organized and hosted the first event of 2022-23 season of the York University Art History Speaker Series, Preserving Digital Artworks, featuring guest speakers Patricia Falcão (Tate, UK) and Gaby Wijers (LIMA, NL), both international specialists in the conservation of digital media artworks. The attendance for the Zoom webinar-based event was excellent (64) thanks to the support of graduate student staff at AMPD and the Sensorium Centre for Digital Arts and Technology.

Successful dissertation defence 10 Feb. 2021

On the morning of February 10th, 2021, I successfully defended my dissertation Rematerializing the Immaterial: A Comparative Study of Vancouver’s Conceptual Visual Arts and Writing and became Dr. Julia Polyck-O’Neill. With thanks to supervisor Dr. Gregory Betts, committee members Dr. Linda Steer and Prof. Derek Knight, external examining committee members Dr. Susan Rudy and Dr. Neta Gordon, and defence chair Dr. Brian Roy.

December 3 Reading at Knife Fork Book, Toronto

On December 3, 2018, Julia read with poets Caroline Szpak and Ryan Fitzpatrick. All three read from new and recent projects; the reading was held in support of the launch of Julia’s chapbook, Everything will be taken away (above/ground press, 2018). With gratitude to Jeff Kirby for the kind invitation to share our work, and to Aaron Tucker for generously hosting.