Successful dissertation defence 10 Feb. 2021

On the morning of February 10th, 2021, I successfully defended my dissertation Rematerializing the Immaterial: A Comparative Study of Vancouver’s Conceptual Visual Arts and Writing and became Dr. Julia Polyck-O’Neill. With thanks to supervisor Dr. Gregory Betts, committee members Dr. Linda Steer and Prof. Derek Knight, external examining committee members Dr. Susan Rudy and Dr. Neta Gordon, and defence chair Dr. Brian Roy.

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2020-2022

I have been awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship to be held at York University’s Sensorium Centre for Arts and Digital Technology and the Department of Visual Arts and Art History, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design with supervisor Dr. Sarah Parsons. Because of COVID-19, I will be deferring my contract to begin in May 2021, and am very excited to take up my new position and participate in the innovative research community at York AMPD and Sensorium Lab!