Material, a digital chapbook with Model Press

My new chapbook Material, published with Ryan Fitzpatrick’s Model Press in 2020, explores concepts of materiality, embodied realities, and subjectivity. Many of the poems are inspired by Downer, a recent installation by Canadian artist Liz Magor, whose work has captivated my imagination for several decades, mainly because of its radical ambiguity. Notable, I wrote the poems concurrently with the final draft of my dissertation, which resulted in some thematic crossover.

poem | image | self (after Adrian Piper and Lucy Lippard’s _Catalysis_ )

poem | image | self is a continuation of my research creation project exploring ambiguities related to specific works by conceptual artist Adrian Piper and my evolving relationships to these works.

This chapbook was published by Ottawa’s above/ground press in part for my participation in the TEXT/SOUND/PERFORMANCE: Making in Canadian Space conference at University College Dublin, Ireland, April 25-27, 2019.