Julia Polyck-O’Neill is an artist, curator, critic, poet, and writer. She is also an award-winning digital humanities scholar. A former lecturer at the Obama Institute at Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (2017-18) and international fellow of the Electronic Literature Organization, she is currently a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellow in the department of Visual Art and Art History and the Sensorium Centre for Digital Arts and Technology at York University (Toronto) where she studies digital, feminist approaches to interdisciplinary artists’ archives. Her academic writing has been published in Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft (The Journal for Aesthetics and General Art History), English Studies in Canada, DeGruyter Open Cultural Studies, BC Studies, Canadian Literature, The Avant Canada Anthology (WLU Press, 2019), and other places. Her creative writing has been published in Touch the Donkey, Fermenting Feminism (a project of the Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, curated by Lauren Fournier), Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Cultural and Literary Studies, and other places. She has published four chapbooks, including Material (Model Press, 2021), and Everything will be taken away (2018) and femme (2016) with above/ground press. She ran the Border Blur Reading Series (St Catharines, ON) from 2014-17. She lives in Toronto.